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Friday 19 September 2014

Tom Cruise as Austin Powers opening sequence

In this Lesson today we watched the Tom Cruise as Austin Powers opening sequence. As we watched this we figured out that it does have all of the things in a secret agent film in an almost a 4 minute video sequence: Combat and Conflict (violence), Speed and motion (Car Chases) and Suspense and jeopardy (Risk/Danger). The characters are portrayed as they should be as the women being the beautiful, glamorous one and the man being the hero by saving the woman (but in this case I think he woman could have saved herself) Then the man was shown with all the style as he parachutes down into his fast super car and zooming off to help the woman.

These both things are the main parts of an action film with jeopardy of the 'Damsel in Distress' and the Danger of the 'Hero'. During this opening sequence nearing the end the man usually has a little flirty time with the woman. But in this scenario it is Austin Powers so he goes straight in the and says "shall we shag now, or shall we shag later?" along with putting other sexual references during the clip.

Watch for yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFhrc32kF6E

Thursday 18 September 2014

Lucozade 'The Edge' + Lucozade 'Aids Recovery' (Adverts)

At the start of our lesson today we watched one of Lucozade's longest running campaign adverts called 'Lucozade the Edge' which shows that if you drink Lucozade you will get that metaphorical edge that they are talking about in it. Also by lying the Lucozade bottle on its side the length of the bottle is the amount of 'the edge' you get for winning the race. Also they have changed this drink from a medical drink to give ill people energy to a sporting energy drink and claim to not have changed all of the ingredients (which I don't think is true). So they use this advert to draw in believable teens to buy the drink so they can make their performance better.

We watched this advert on the website 'Telly Ads'.


We also watched the advert of the first Lucozade campaign which shows that its a guilt trip for the parents because they would think "If I don't give my child Lucozade his friendship circle will end, so he won't get better" it also says that the parents won't care about their child if they don't give them Lucozade to help them get better.

Friday 12 September 2014

Duffy Diet Coke advert + Behind the Scenes

For our homework we got to watch the Duffy Diet Coke advert (behind the scenes). In this task my class and I were given, we had to analyse how Duffy was portrayed in the advert and what people thought about Duffy being in the Advert. 

In this advert Duffy is portrayed to be a woman who needs times by herself although she is in the music industry and has all the fame and glory. But this advert shows that if you should drink diet coke then you would have freedom beyond the freedom you could normally have. Duffy come across as a woman who has a lot of work to do but she’s naughty during work and has those little things in life that make her feel free and thinks she has nothing else in the world to do but be happy. This advert is obviously targeting working women that need to have a little fun put in their minds and by drinking diet coke, they will get exactly that as Duffy has shown during this advertisement.  

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Audi e-tron + Iron Man Advert

  • ·        In this advert, synergy is used to promote two products, in this case the new ‘Iron Man 3’ and the new ‘Audi e-tron’.
  • ·        In this advert it is saying that superheroes do have to stress getting to work so ‘Stark’ does it in style, in the Audi e-tron.
  • ·        Again it uses celebrity endorsement because of the massive success in the Iron Man franchise, and by using Robert Downey Jr in the car, it makes people who commute to work in the Audi e-tron feel like they are a super hero like ‘Tony Stark’
  • ·        It also demonstrates the Action Adventure conventions like action and jeopardy.

Heineken + Skyfall Advert

  • ·         TV commercial resembles Bond movie starring Daniel Craig (celebrity endorsement)
  • ·         It also included a couple of the AA movie conventions such as chases, jeopardy, exotic locations, villains, smooth hero and guns.
  • ·         The Target audience for the advert is for the action seekers and it also conveys the thought that if you drink Heineken you could be just like Bond.
  • ·        The train that Bond gets on is the Orient Express which takes the feeling that life with Bond is all about glamorous women, gambling and fanciness of chandeliers.

Thursday 4 September 2014

First Lesson (James Bond meets Coke Advert)

During our Media lesson on Thursday 4th September 2014 we started to learn about how different franchises work together and make an advert with each other to promote both products so that they are both sold fairly well.

In this advertisement that we had watched in our lesson it featured two different products together in one. This, we learnt was called Synergy. Whilst we watched our teacher kept pausing it so we could discuss the different types of camera angles like’ bird’s eye view’, ‘Kneeling shot’ and more. We discussed about how the different products were promoting each other so for the Coca Cola they were using the colour scheme as red and black, then for the James Bond they were using the usual 007 things like jeopardy when Bond was falling and what has to be in every Action/Adventure movie. A car chase.  The music was the sort you would find in an action movie, fast pace and it had a beat to it. Furthermore it had the girls in it that you would find in every Bond movie. Overall the advert had its target audience set on men because the advert made the men feel like they would be Bond if they drank the Coke.