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Monday 20 October 2014

Chosen Advert for Exam: Lynx Apollo

My chosen advert for my year 10 exam in media studies is the Lynx Apollo advert which I found through watching TV on a regular basis. When I saw this I logged it in my brain as a funny advert. So when it came time to choose a particular advert that I could write 500 words on, I thought about this one. This advert is a couple of years old but I have remembered it simply because of how ludicrous it was.

I chose this because the way people are placed within the advert is a typical heroic scene. This is because the lifeguard seems to be the only manly man on the beach as everyone else just runs away from a shark about 100 feet from the beach. At the start the camera looks through the POV (point of view) of the lifeguard, through the binoculars, and then there in the middle of the camera a 'Damsel in distress' who is being eyed up by a shark circling her. Then as the lifeguard swims toward the shark it still seems the woman can't swim and with unbelievable strength the hero tackles and kills the shark with his bare hands! After that scenario he takes the woman back to shore and lays her on the ground whilst all the people on the beach crowd around the hero and the woman as they stare into each others eyes. The crowds are chattering to each other in excitement. Suddenly the music changes from 'happily ever after' music to epic music as the astronaut (who hasn't done anything) walks along the beach with pride and the saved woman runs towards the astronaut with the text rolling across the screen to say 'NOTHING BEATS AN ASTRONAUT...EVER'. She does this simply because the astronaut is wearing the brand new lynx Apollo deodorant.

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